I/O Functions ============= Input and output (I/O) functions for the three encodings used by MOC are located in a separate part of the package. This is to allow you to use the :class:`~pymoc.moc.MOC` class itself without needing the requirements of the I/O routines. For general file handling, the giving the ``filename`` argument to the :class:`~pymoc.moc.MOC` constructor, or using the :meth:`~pymoc.moc.MOC.read` and :meth:`~pymoc.moc.MOC.write` methods may be sufficient. The dedicated I/O functions described here can be used in more specialized situations, such as interacting with FITS HDU objects or reading and writing already-open file objects. pymoc.io.ascii -------------- .. automodule:: pymoc.io.ascii :members: :member-order: bysource :undoc-members: pymoc.io.fits ------------- .. automodule:: pymoc.io.fits :members: :member-order: bysource :undoc-members: pymoc.io.json ------------- .. automodule:: pymoc.io.json :members: :member-order: bysource :undoc-members: